Discover our tips on how to file a complaint against an online casino. Many players have logged complaints about instructed payment withdrawals at online casinos that have not been processed. Have a read through our article titled ' Why doesn't an online casino pay me? ', and if you still want to register your complaint then we provide you with.
This site is different from others in that you don’t just vent herein order to get something off your chest or to warn others away from a business. If you want a resolution to your situation, try this site because you complain through this site, and it makes sure that your complaint gets to where it needs to go. Seventy-six percent of the people who complain through this site get a response. Of those who got a response, 86% were happy or satisfied with the end results. It’s definitely worth a try.
Casino Complaints From Customers
File A Complaint Against An Online Casino Gambling
While some of us enjoy going toe-to-toe with people at a store, I understand that others don’t like conflict. But these individuals also don’t want to be a victim and want to prevent the same thing from happening to other people.
File A Complaint Against An Online Casino No Deposit
That said, we highly recommend that you cool off before posting your complaints. This way you can speak to the facts. One way of ensuring you’re not just reacting emotionally is to wait a day or two before posting a review, so that you’re working with a clear mind unmuddled by emotion. It’s only fair.